Bridge Over Troubled Water

Immediately after the close of the meeting on Sunday 9 July, Chris Cann came up and shared that she sensed the song Bridge Over Troubled Water is for us as a church: ‘God is leading us on, and it doesn’t matter what happens, no matter how many troubled waters, he is a bridge over’ (hear some of Patrick’s recorded conversation with Chris afterward). And then on Monday Jodi received a word from our friend Robin who lives in California: ‘As I was praying for you, I heard, “Your church will be a bridge over troubled waters in days ahead as the nation faces some trouble waters.”’ On Sunday, Beryl also had a picture of really rough, choppy seas and how there are a lot of frightening things going on in our world, but the backdrop to that is our beacon on the seafront, shining brightly for Jesus: ‘the sea was so choppy and I hadn't seen it like that before, but then we passed the beacon, which is the symbol of the church, and the hope and life found in Christ.'

To paraphrase the song, Jesus ‘laid himself down’ for us on the cross and continues to provide a way through/over our troubles, and we’re called to lay ourselves down for others. Who do we know who is stuck in their troubles and needing a way through/over?

The Bognor Vineyard leadership team invites you to pray with us about what troubled water means for us as a church, especially because many of the rushing water words we’ve received since 2020 have spoken of this as God’s blessing. Feel free to reach out to Dee ( with your thoughts.

Story from Patrick

I met a guy at an event this past week and as we spoke I brought up our church, which ultimately led to a deeper conversation about faith. I followed up with him afterward and hope to meet him for coffee in a few weeks.

We have friends from church (especially if we’re involved in a small group), and we attend church events and continue to learn and grow because of church. Because church is a significant part of our lives, it would be inauthentic not to share the good God has done and is doing, even if friends or strangers we speak to are indifferent or hostile to Christianity. How is the Holy Spirit leading us to be more authentic in the way we share Jesus with others?


Water in the Wilderness


What Gives God Joy